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The Depression

Depression is an emotion with an adaptive meaning and function (in both humans and animals).

Mourning, changes and stressful events are stimuli that in humans can determine a depressive reaction and which should initially be considered as protective.
There are different types of sitomas:
1) Cognitive: pessismism
Negative vision of the future
Low self-esteem
Reduced attention and concentration
Reduced memory
Difficulty in making decisions
2) Vegetatives:
anorexia and / or weight loss
hyperphagia and / or graving for carbohydrates
decrease or absence of libido
decrease in energy
easy fatigue
circadian changes in mood
3) Psychomotor:
slowing down (especially of facial expressions, more time to do things, poor language)
psychomotor agitation (with or without anxiety)
Facilitating factors may be lack of support interpersonal and social, the
object losses in developmental age, the exposure in childhood to de pressives
that can be learned as a model in the face of experiences of stress or loss, finally
factors related to personality. More than risk factors, etiopathogenesis (study of the causes of a disease and their mechanism of action) sees the intertwining of family, biological, environmental, psychological and cultural factors, in favoring, modulating or causing a symptom picture.
The diagnosis is mainly clinical so it is important to go to a psychologist to understand
the extent and origin of the discomfort, which then through the clinical interview , collects a series of information to understand even if a biological point of view prevails (eg thyroid malfunction), it would be important to have a recent MRI to exclude the presence for example of tumors or dementias, then a diagnosis called differential arises
with bereavement.

The treatment of depression makes use of an important psychological path
carried out with punctuality and regularity, in important cases
our Firm also makes use of
external collaborations with Infant Neuropsychiatrists (for children) and Psychiatrists (for adults) for what concerns the topic of drugs.
What most influences the choice of the therapeutic plan are severity, number of episodes present, type of depression, suicidal risk, comorbidity with other diseases, substance abuse, presence of dementias and organic diseases.
Psychotherapy is the most psychological treatment indicated, with different approaches, in our
Study are present: the cognitive-behavioral; the systemic-relational; the cognitive - neuropsychological and functional.

@ Studio_Psy_Dr.Letizia_DeMori



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